The Relay blog launched in the last half of 2021 with the goal of sharing insights, customer stories, and industry news. Since then we have published over 30 posts spanning from industry-specific articles highlighting Relay’s relationships with customers, whether they be a family-owned carrier or an industry giant, to posts about the entrepreneurial aspects of Relay as we continue to be a leader in the logistics industry. Here are the most popular posts so far:

1. What Is a Lumper and Lumper Payment?
This blog post continues to be our most popular because it clearly explains the basics about lumpers and why they are needed.

2. 5 Reasons To Appreciate Lumpers
There are plenty of misconceptions about lumpers. In this blog post, we dispel the negative myths and provide the reasons why lumpers are needed and to be appreciated.

3. More than 600 Truck Drivers Join Relay Payments’ Driver Council
After just a few months, Relay’s Driver Council has more than 600 members and is growing. As an industry first, the Driver Council gives a voice to a community of truck drivers that has long been underserved.

4. Customer Spotlight: Angie’s Transportation
At Relay, we take pride in providing exceptional customer experiences. We champion our customers’ success and are excited to share the story of Angie from Angie’s Transportation, as she shares how using Relay payments has benefited her business.

5. Southeastern Freight Lines Sees 61% Monthly Savings With Relay Payments
In this Press Release, industry-leader Southeastern Freight Lines shares how using Relay Payments has been a “game-changer,” saving them significant money, time and hassle.

6. Eclipse IA Partners With Relay Payments
Read about how Eclipse IA saved hundreds of thousands of dollars by correcting operational inefficiencies when they started using Relay Payments, and how they are getting their drivers back on the road faster in this Press Release.

7. How Old Dominion Automated and Streamlined Payments
In this Press Release, we share how industry-leader Old Dominion worked closely with Relay in 2020 to develop and implement a custom application leveraging data integrations and custom payment workflows, resulting in millions of dollars of savings.

8. Building Culture On the Move
Relay’s Chief People Officer, Amy Zimmerman, shares her expertise as an HR leader across numerous media outlets about supporting a strong company culture for a remote workforce and managing vaccine mandates.

9. How Truckers Are Driving Technology Forward
The entire logistics industry is built up from the driver - when work conditions for truck drivers are improved, the whole industry is improved. Read about new technology solutions, like Relay Payments, that are focusing on truck drivers.

10. Ask An Entrepreneur: The RELAY Way Framework for Innovation
Learn how to think like an entrepreneur with Relay co-founders Ryan and Spencer, who created the RELAY Way framework for innovation. The solution breaks down the steps in the process of how to identify needs and make substantive change within your organization.