Relay Blog - Freight & Logistics Industry

Tech As Competitive Edge in Transportation and Logistics

Written by Relay | July 18, 2023

Technology has been transformative in the trucking and logistics industries over the years, enabling greater control of shipments, faster transport times and everything in between. Across sectors, technology adoption and investment has been key to business growth for decades. In fact, a definitive piece published in 1982 by the Harvard Business Review remains one of the most read articles on the subject, suggesting that the principles of embracing technology as a “competitive weapon” haven’t changed much in forty years.

However, the way we leverage technology on a daily basis has changed dramatically since mobile apps became widely accessible in 2008. Today, often the fastest, easiest and most secure way to perform tasks involving data transfer is via the device in our pocket. But it's not just about using the latest tech – but rather selecting the right technology solutions to position your trucking and logistics company for future growth and sustained competitiveness.

Business boosts from technology

Since the advent of computers revolutionized office environments, businesses have recognized the importance of leveraging technology to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and improve overall productivity. In the modern economy, this translates to important benefits that position companies to succeed over others. 

Cost Reduction:
Implementing technology solutions can help optimize operational costs, minimize manual errors, and eliminate inefficiencies, leading to significant cost savings. Since the pandemic, digital transformation tools have unlocked dramatic savings in many sectors, such as up to 30% cost reduction in healthcare systems.

Improved User and Customer Experience:
Technology empowers companies to enhance the experience for both internal stakeholders, such as employees, and external stakeholders, including customers and partners. From user-friendly interfaces to seamless digital interactions, technology can greatly enhance overall satisfaction.

Boosted Efficiency and Speed to Market:
Leveraging advanced technologies, such as automation, AI-driven algorithms, and real-time tracking systems, enables companies to streamline processes, reduce time-to-market, and achieve operational efficiency.

Data Analysis for Business Intelligence:
The abundance of data available provides a valuable resource for informed decision-making. With advanced analytics tools, companies can gain actionable insights into performance, customer behavior, and market trends, facilitating strategic planning and optimization.

Attraction of Talent and Customers:
Embracing technology not only helps attract and retain top talent but also appeals to customers who seek innovative and efficient products and partners. Demonstrating a commitment to technological advancements can positively influence both employee recruitment and customer acquisition.

Transforming traditional industries

The potential of technology is not limited to the realms of IT, data, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies. Purpose-built tech solutions have the power to revolutionize traditional industries, including trucking and logistics. By leveraging tailored technology solutions, trucking companies can derive the same benefits experienced by companies in other sectors. 

Already carriers, logistics companies, and truck drivers benefit from technologies that may have been debated at the time but are now integral to operations, including:

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs):
ELDs help ensure compliance with regulations and enhance driver safety. By digitally recording driving hours, vehicle inspections, and other vital data, trucking companies can enhance safety protocols and mitigate risks.

Dynamic Routing:
Advanced routing systems powered by machine learning algorithms and real-time traffic data enable companies to optimize routes, reduce fuel consumption, minimize transit times, and improve overall efficiency.

Fleet Management Software:
Transportation Management Systems (TMS) provide comprehensive visibility into fleet operations, enabling real-time monitoring, load optimization, and improved resource allocation. By automating manual tasks and providing centralized control, TMS platforms boost operational efficiency and reduce administrative burdens.

Driver Recruitment and Retention Software:
Technology solutions designed specifically for driver recruitment and retention facilitate streamlined hiring processes, efficient communication, performance tracking, and improved driver satisfaction. By leveraging these tools, trucking companies can overcome the challenges associated with driver shortages and enhance retention rates.

Customer Satisfaction:
For carriers, ensuring customer satisfaction is crucial to maintaining strong relationships with shippers and brokers. Technology solutions, such as customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, enable efficient communication, order tracking, and problem resolution, resulting in enhanced customer experiences and long-term partnerships.

Taking the next step with instant digital fuel payments

Now technology is enabling carriers to tackle the most persistent issue in the trucking industry: fuel fraud. The fuel payment app from Relay facilitates instant, cashless, digital fuel purchases without the need for a physical card or check. This sidesteps the most common methods of fuel fraud entirely, saving companies the money lost and time spent dealing with instances of fuel fraud.

Digital fuel payment solutions are revolutionizing the way companies handle fuel transactions, enabling carriers to automate fuel purchases, track fuel consumption, and eliminate the need for issuing, managing, and replacing physical fuel cards. Moreover, digital fuel payment solutions can be set up quickly across entire fleets and apps like Relay’s let drivers and companies use their negotiated discounts just as they would with fuel cards. All of this not only enhances the overall experience for drivers and staff but also delivers dramatic cost savings for the company, increased transparency and accountability, and the ability to keep trucks moving.


Staying competitive over the road

Today’s trucking and logistics landscape is highly competitive, and technology adoption is crucial for companies aiming to stay ahead. However, it's important to focus on selecting the right technologies that align with your business goals and unlock tangible benefits for your company, employees, and customers. By leveraging innovative solutions tailored to the industry's unique requirements, trucking and logistics companies can improve safety, boost efficiency, streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and position themselves for long-term success in the rapidly evolving digital era.