The Relay Haul of Fame proudly recognizes the hard work and dedication of the nation’s truck drivers – the individuals who show...
Crafting a trucking company business plan is essential for steering your business toward success. Start by outlining your ...
As summer comes to a close and the country gets back to school and back to work, Relay is busy preparing for an exciting series...
Creating a trucking business plan sets you on the road to industry triumph by serving as your guiding blueprint. It outlines a...
Hotshot trucking focuses on the rapid delivery of small, time-sensitive shipments using medium-duty trucks and flatbed trailers....
Technology has been transformative in the trucking and logistics industries over the years, enabling greater control of...
Although electronic logging devices for truckers are now required equipment in the US, it’s only recently enough that the use of...
Fuel accounts for roughly a quarter the cost of every mile covered by the trucking industry in the United States. So the fact...
With so much to stay on top of while running a trucking business, from plotting efficient routes and maximizing fuel savings to...