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HOF Nominee Spotlight: Roger Mackbach

It is almost the end of June, which means the deadline to nominate your favorite truck driver for this year’s Haul of Fame is nearly here. The nominations received so far have inspired, entertained, and moved us, and we can’t wait to see who will win the votes and be added to the Relay Haul of Fame. Be sure to get your nominations in before the window closes June 30, so we’re sure to consider your superstar driver for this year’s grand prize.

This month, we wanted to spotlight a unique and inspiring story of perseverance and dedication over the road. Roger Mackbach is the owner-operator of Maine-based Compass Industries and has more than 23 years’ experience driving. His journey, marked by professional excellence and personal triumph, is full of insights for other drivers and everyone working in trucking and logistics today.

An early passion

Roger's love for driving began in childhood. One of his earliest memories is sitting in the backseat of his mother’s car, crossing the Waterville Bridge, and declaring his intent to drive. "I've always loved the freedom of the open road," Roger told Relay. "There's something about the journey, the solitude, and the responsibility that comes with it that has always appealed to me." 

His passion for driving led him to drive church buses during his college years at Midwestern Baptist College. Later, Roger began his professional trucking career in 2000 when he earned his CDL. Over the years, he has logged nearly a million miles on the road and driven for several companies, including Canon Express, Smith Construction, and Werner Enterprises. From early in his career he was committed to helping other drivers. In May 2005, he was even recognized as Werner Enterprises' Trainer of the Month.

Bump in the road

In 2006, Roger faced a life-changing challenge when he lost his right arm. Despite the difficulty, he was determined to return to the road. By 2008, he had successfully navigated the regulatory hurdles to regain his CDL, becoming one of the first in Maine to qualify for interstate travel with an amputation. Roger has since been an advocate for others with amputations, helping them navigate the CDL certification process.

As Roger put it: "Life throws you lemons. You can either let 'em pelt you and bring you down or you can take 'em, start cutting them open, and make yourself some lemonade." 

Adapting and innovating

Roger’s ingenuity shines in his ability to adapt. He designed a prosthetic arm that allows him to drive without modifying his truck, making him capable of handling any vehicle. He also founded a non-profit to support other amputees in regaining their CDLs and adapting to life post-amputation.

"If you don't know there's a problem, you can't fix it. And if you don't know there's a solution, you can't apply it," Roger explained. His efforts are focused on sharing knowledge and fostering community support, proving that his struggles can lead to victories for others.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Roger's commitment to his work and community was particularly evident. He didn't take a break, despite the risks and challenges. "I counted it my civic responsibility to make sure freight got to where it needed to be. It was about helping people get the medical supplies and essentials they needed," he said.

Keep on trucking

Like so many of the Haul of Fame nominees, despite the challenges, Roger continues to work tirelessly delivering goods for customers. He stands out as a great example of the strong work ethic and determination that is characteristic of so many drivers we’ve met over the years. We’re delighted to have Roger and so many inspiring drivers in the group Haul of Fame nominees for 2024. 


The Relay Haul of Fame 2024 recognizes drivers who have enhanced the image of trucking, had a positive impact on the industry, and served their community. Sound like someone you know? Nominate them today for the 2024 Haul of Fame. Hurry – nominations close June 30!